Is PEMF Right For You?
PEMF therapy allows the body to function more effectively and promote many potential health benefits. However, there are some instances where PEMF is not advised. Additionally, there are some potential mild and temporary side effects that we want you to know about.
Please read through the information below before booking your first session with us.
Safety Considerations of PEMF Therapy For People
Do not use PEMF therapy if…
User has an implanted electronic device including but not limited to a pacemaker, defibrillator, cochlear hearing device, spinal stimulator, glucose monitor, or insulin pump.
User has an implanted magnetic device including those deemed “unsafe for MRI” and those manufactured from ferromagnetic materials.
User is pregnant. The safety of PEMF therapy during pregnancy has not been fully established in research .
User is actively bleeding or hemorrhaging outside of normal menstrual bleeding.
User has blood clots and has not been cleared by a physician.
User is the recipient of an organ transplant.
User has injuries or concerns of injuries that have not yet been evaluated by a licensed healthcare provider.
Are There Any Side Effects of PEMF Therapy for People?
Some individuals may experience sensations like tingling, warmth, or slight redness at the application site. These are typically fleeting and shouldn’t raise alarm.
Similarly, clients may experience mild headaches, fatigue, muscle soreness or nausea might occur in some cases, but they usually subside within a short period. The good news is – these can often be symptoms of your body detoxing! Each of us are unique making effects of PEMF therapy different for each individual.
In fact, most reported PEMF side effects are mild and temporary and usually cease the longer one undergoes the therapy.
If you experience any significant side effects or have any concerns, stop using the device and consult your licensed practicing healthcare professional.